Le jazzman Al Jarreau hospitalisé après son concert à Marseille

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le 23 Juil 2010
Le jazzman Al Jarreau hospitalisé après son concert à Marseille
Le jazzman Al Jarreau hospitalisé après son concert à Marseille

Le jazzman Al Jarreau hospitalisé après son concert à Marseille

Les amateurs de jazz qui l’ont écouté mardi soir au festival des Cinq Continents doivent avoir un sentiment mitigé. D’un côté ils ont pu profiter de la « voix magique d’Al Jarreau« , comme le titrait Le Monde le lendemain. Mais de l’autre, son concert suivant aurait pu lui être fatal. Hier soir, le chanteur américain, âgé de 70 ans, a fait un malaise sur scène à Barcelonette (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) et a été hospitalisé à Gap « dans un état critique » pour des « problèmes respiratoire et cardiaque« , selon le Dr Simonoviez, cité par l’AFP.

A Marseille, et après Nice, le quotidien du soir lui trouvait déjà « un air de petit homme fragile« , qui avançait « vouté, le pas incertain, chaque main reposant sur les épaules de deux assistants. » Le médecin a confirmé à l’AFP que « la tournée et l’âge » de l’artiste ont pesé lourd. C’est le crève coeur des plus grands et de leur public : devoir un jour lever le pied au lieu de le taper en cadence.

Un lien Le site du festival Jazz des Cinq Continents de Marseille

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  1. Sailor_HH Sailor_HH

    http://www.aljarreau.com/ – JARREAU HEALTH UPDATE – 23.07.10
    “To his fans and supporters, Al sends out a warm hello from the small French town of Gap. Last night, July 22, during his pre-concert warmup routine, Al decided to take precautionary measures and admit himself into the hospital, after his body did not adjust normally to mountain altitude. He was scheduled to perform in Barcelonette later in the evening.

    As of Friday evening Central European Time, he is in good spirits, once again asking about local dishes he can sample, and looking forward to getting back out on the road. In the meantime, he is thankful for the excellent medical care he has been receiving in Barcelonette and Gap.

    Al greatly values the opportunity he has to share his music and joy with fans around the world, and plans to rest a few days, then continue his excellent adventure at next Thursday’s performance in Nuremburg.

    The Official Press Release from his European Agent is below:


    With great disappointment Al Jarreau had had to cancel 4 concerts on his current European tour.

    The shows affected are:

    22nd July Barcelonette, Les Enfants du Jazz
    24th July Osnabruck, Europasaal
    26th July Braunschweig, Stadthalle
    27th July Qabala, Caucus Resort & Spa

    On arrival in Barcelonette, which is up in the mountains, on Wednesday 21st July, Al became weak from the altitude and unfortunately was not able to perform his concert in Barcelonette the next day.

    Al was admitted to an intensive care unit in hospital. He is now awake and his first question was to enquire about his wife, Susan, and his second question was to ask about his tour dates (he is always thinking about other people).

    Al is now in a stable condition, and upon medical advice has been advised not to perform, to allow him time to recover. He is hoping to recommence his tour on 29th July at the Serenadenhof in Nurnberg, Germany.

    Al deeply regrets having been forced to cancel these 4 concerts and thus disappointing his fans, but is looking forward to returning to perform in these cities some time in the future.

    Ticketholders for these 4 cancelled concerts should contact their point of purchase – the venue box office or ticket agent.”


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